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7571303_f260 7571301_f260On any given day, if you go to Brother Deon Plummer’s profile on Facebook you will find a message from him about a touching experience he is going through or a pressing matter that weighs on his mind to remind him of the blessings the Lord has given him.

Your might find something like this also7571307_f120

I am a DIFFERENT type of Mormon, made for a specific assignment from my Heavenly Father. I do not apologize for not being cute and Utah cuddly… and the ONLY standards I worry about is not YOURS but Him who sent me here…so to all you in the BOX brothers and sisters….let me put you on notice, I am so cool with that … I’ve been meeting ALL types of people and I have come to one conclusion, if you JUDGE me.. well … thanks…… that means you are thinking about me….

His sentiment is genuine, he is Christian, definitely a follower of Christ; and he does not apologize for it, but is grateful that even HATERS remember to think of him.

Brother Plummer is the type of person you will find in the group on Facebook called Black Latter Day Saints, which is an unofficial meeting place for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and friends who support the interests of the church in the Black community–more pointedly the LDS Black community.

Kind regards and fellowship are the rule of BLDS on Facebook and Brother Deon Plummer is one member who can show it to you and make it interesting.

“I have seen too much in my short life that I am not gonna settle for second best!”

Before he decided to be a warrior for Christ, he espoused the faith of Muhammad in Islam. Through a miraculous experience he turned to Christ, then to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Do not be ashamed to let the Lord look upon you and know who you are, because He already knows… Jesus paid the price for you and me….
” He died while we were yet sinners”
Romans 5:8

Deon’s new war-cry of faith is for Christ. And he does believe there is a war and wants all people everywhere to be apprised of victory as he posted,

…you are worth more than anything to the CREATOR of ALL there is! …Don’t EVER let Satan tell you different! Don’t be the fool to believe that you are not worth anything! I can SPEAK, because I was once that fool who believed I was not worth saving!

ALL people are God’s children! There is no place where Heavenly Fathercan not reach you, you are not an “accident,” We have a divine purpose in this life and the world to come.

Jesus Christ Depiction

Deon humbly acknowledges,

I am a Convert, baptized on June 2, 2011, that date is my TRUE rebirth.

What made me listen to the missionaries… I didn’t at first–because of the rumors of racism and its an American religion. Back in 2001 the missionaries approached me after I had just left the religion of Islam–baptized in a Baptist Church. Nothing happened at that time. I left the Baptist church shortly after. It wasn’t til I met my former wife and moved to Utah that I asked more probing questions about the restored gospel.

Once I read the Book of Amos in the Bible, I understood what was missing and that Joseph Smith had the same idea: What faith should I follow?

I joined the Church because it was TRUE.

On his Facebook page in his ‘About’ section Deon admits, “Next to the birth of my children, my GREATEST moment was being baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!”

I am A Mormon. I am a member of Black Latter Day Saints on Facebook

Deon requested to be a member of the group and was admitted as one of its newest members. He had this to say about it.

I am a member of Black Latter Day Saints, because I want to connect with others of my ethnicity and to discuss issues that are relevant in the African and African American community.

There are issues unique to the African American Community in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints best discussed in a group that fosters acceptance of all members–though BLDS accept only people who are willing to follow the guidelines.

It is a group were concerns or experiences of other BLDS could foster a spirit of comradery and understanding–always pointing towards the truths only to be found in the Church of Jesus Christ.

If you want to find out what goes on in BLDS, come by and share the discussion and the spirit of faithful saints of many races in the Black Latter Day Saint group. You will meet people like Deon! If you like what you see join.

“How do I feel about the LDS church,” ponders Deon. “It is TRUE! It has the answers that I have been looking for ALL my life since the age of 11. I would have loved to have found this truth in my YOUTH.”

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